Recipes from Tillasgården

Kavring without syrup – Frankenlaib

You can bake the Kavring mix even without syrup: Just add 420g lukewarm water and 15g fresh yeast and proceed as described on the label. The dough can be shaped into a round bread or baked in a form.

What you get is a spiced bread with a very good bread flavour, known in Germany as Frankenlaib.

Guten Appetit!

Danish Rye Bread without syrup (two variants)

The Danish Rye Bread can also be baked without syrup. Just add 410g of lukewarm water and 15g of fresh yeast and proceed as described on the label. The dough can be shaped into a round bread or baked in a form.

You can also bake a delicious beer bread from the mix. Just add 410g of beer (instead of water) and 15g of fresh yeast and proceed as described on the label. The dough can be shaped into a round bread or baked in a form.

The beer gives the bread a malty flavour. Note: the yeast in the beer makes the dough rise faster.



Focaccia and pizza with the sourdough baguette mix

With the sourdough baguette dough you can also make delicious focaccia or pizzas: Make the dough as described on the label, choosing the toppings as desired.

Leave to rise for about 15 minutes. Heat the oven to about 225°C and bake the pizza/focaccia for 15-20 minutes.

Buon appetito!


Bondbröd with seeds

If you add sesame and flax seeds to the “farmersbread“ dough, you get a light sourdough bread with a nutty flavour of sesame and flax seeds.

Very popular and easy to make.


Muesli-bread with Dinkelbröd or Fullkornsbröd

Add a handful of dried fruits (apricots, dates, plums, figs, etc.) and/or nuts to the dough of the Dinkelbröd or Fullkornsbröd, and you’ll have a delicious musli bread.

Semlor with Sockerkringlor (sugarpretzel dough)

If you love semlor, you can make wonderful semlor buns with the sugarpretzel dough.

Follow the instructions on the label. Weigh out the dough pieces with 50-60 g to make about 20 buns.

Roll the dough pieces to small balls and let them rise on an uncovered baking tray in a warm place for about 40-60 minutes. Preheat the oven to about 210°C (190°C hot air) and bake the buns for 8-10 minutes. Just after baking, place the freshly baked buns in a plastic bag to keep them soft.

They can be frozen and defrosted when needed. Fill with almond paste and cream – a real treat!