Social media: why a strategy helps!

Many companies (and organisations) pursue a very clear and simple strategy when it comes to social media: hit and run! This is usually driven by the desire of the company boss, sales boss or Chief Marketing Officer to ”finally be visible on Facebook and so...

Listen to your heart!

At the end of the year, a plea for the most important task of a good communicator: listening! Let’s be honest. For many, communication usually means pressing the send button far too often and far too quickly. Of course, we know that the bait has to taste good to...

Listen to Your Heart!

Så här i slutet av året vill jag slå ett slag för den viktigaste uppgiften för en god kommunikatör: att lyssna! Låt oss vara ärliga. För många innebär kommunikation oftast att man trycker på sänd-knappen alldeles för ofta och alldeles för snabbt. Naturligtvis vet vi...

Communication strategy: an important tool!

Now is the time when many companies – and therefore communications teams – are working on their strategies and plans for the coming year. What at first glance looks like a routine task or a bureaucratic waste of time can be a very helpful exercise....