Many years of experience in artisan bakery – we can good sourdough bread!

In summer 2007 we opened our organically certified bakery Brothaus Moberg in Åkersberga with a focus on German sourdough bread and Swedish pastries.
The range was very popular and well known.

In 2017, the organic bakery Brothaus Moberg opened its doors in Germany.

Many of our customers in Sweden and Germany have tried baking bread themselves at home.
However, for some, the effort of making their own natural sourdough is too great. It requires time and planning.
That’s why we have started transforming our popular range into eco-certified baking mixes in 2019. Completely free of preservatives and chemical additives.
Since then, our customers have been enthusiastically baking their own bread: simple and delicious.

Welcome to Tillasgården:

We are happily back in Sweden and produce our organic baking mixes with certified flour from Swedish farms. We focus on quality and lots of flavour. Therefore, we choose our ingredients with care.
All bags are filled by hand by ourselves at Tillasgården.

Enjoy the smell of homemade bread and the wonderful flavour – Guten Appetit!